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Monday, June 20, 2011

Homework Should be Banned by Jessica L.

Some say homework should be banned. Well, if you ask me I would completely agree and I’m sure most kids would to. I not only dislike homework but after researching there are facts that support my opinion of banning homework. Iconic figures that support my topic would include Ted Turner, Liz Claiborne, Whoopi Goldberg, Albert Einstein and Howard Stern but I’ll get to them later. Plus time spent doing homework could be put to more physical and fun activities or focusing on dilemmas or other family problems. Also I would like to point out homework is seen as an annoyance and an added stress for kids.

So back to the iconic figures. As you may know Ted Turner, Liz Claiborne, Whoopi Goldberg, Albert Einstein and Howard Stern didn’t excel in school but still managed a profitable adult career.There school failure reflected on the fact that school and school homework they were assigned was not completed.Well, it could be that many people are forcing students into a “good student” mold which suppresses the students learning. According to a PhD named Robert McCall many or most underachievers catch up to the achieving peers later on in life. Meaning homework doesn’t effect our adult future.

I would also like to go back to the point of time spent on homework is time that could go towards family time and physical activities. I would like to begin by stating a quote by Melissa Cooper a NCTE-middle school teacher. She says quote “Many of them have outside obligations like sports or babysitting, and many are dealing with some heavy-duty stuff outside of school. Who wants to worry about algebra when your mom is dying or you don't know when you're going to eat next?” To me this statement is so very true and so very touching because really, who wants to work out math problems when they could spend that time with a relative for the remaining time that loved one has left. Plus people are telling kids things like “You need to spend more time outside” or “Stay physical” but really what student has time after completing the pile of homework they were assigned. And factor in the time it takes for them to eat a good meal, get a good night sleep, and build a bond with family. There really isn’t much time for homework. Homework sets this kind of barrier that limits out side of school activities.

Sleep is also very important for students and homework limits sleep time. According to The National Sleep Foundation Statistics found that 22% of children fall asleep doing homework. And 80% of teens do not get the recommended amount of sleep which cause at least 28% to fall asleep during school which then causes more homework.

Next I would like to go back to the added stress and annoyance it puts on students. So basically teachers are assigning homework that a child doesn't want to do. Student much rather be playing and living there child hood. So what are they not going to do. Thats right there homework. So in simple terms there setting students up for failure. Plus I would like to point out that since they don’t want to do it, in a hurry to complete there assignment those students will resort to cheating to get the job done.

I would also like to counter argue an immense point for the “pro” homework people. They say homework improves test scores. Well according to a study done by a researcher named Harris Cooper who wrote “Homework Research and Policy: A Review of Literature” there are increases in some students test scores but there is no proof that the increase is caused by homework.

Based on the information that I have presented I can conclude that I am a believer in the ban of homework. Well think about it. Would you want the burden or stress of homework when you should or could be with family members or outside playing and being physical. And remember even though you might not excel in school, or you just can’t seem to stay on top of your school work doesn’t mean you can’t be an Einstein when you grow up.

Cooper, H. (1994). Concerns affecting homework. Retrieved from

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