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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Instincts never lie

Have you ever tried to find the best book for you? Well I have a system for finding books that are interesting to me. This is what I do, you are free to take it, and use it, and modify it.
So the first thing that I do when I am looking for a book is look at the covers. I know right, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but if the cover catches my interest at all I pick it up and read the back or inside cover, where the description is. I also look for familiar titles and authors...because if I like one book by an author I should like another right?
I mostly look at the titles like that have cool and catchy names. If an author has a good title I am inclined to read it. I mostly lean towards fantasy and mystery. I like some suspense and something to bring me into the world of the book. Like this one book the cover caught my eye and I liked the title, and guess what, it was a fantasy/ realistic fiction.
Then if it sounds interesting, or I feel inclined to read, it I do...I am a girl who goes by her instincts…. and her friends. My friend Klaire is like almost the same person as me! True she is a little more harsh and blunt, but we are like clones...that look different and grew up in different enviroments. (but thats not the point) Klaire is one of my book sources, the to-go girl, when i want to know a good book to read.


  1. I do the same thing! I look at the cover and if it looks interesting I read it.


  2. I Really like your title :D
    ~ Hailey❤

  3. I do the same thing you do!
    Kira ;)
