Friday, February 26, 2010
Dear Editor of Viewpoints this is Ali
I have a very strong opinion that middle schools should be allowed to have recesses every day for more that ten minutes and if you take the time to read my letter I hope that you would greatly consider this.
The talk is now that kids of this generation are way too over weight. Sitting in class all day will not help us. In the winter it is brutally cold here in Maine so I thing we could replace that recess outside with a game or active activity that everyone has to participate in the gymnasium. Why don’t teachers figure out a schedule and come up with a plan where kids can have time to run around and loosen up from a crazy morning of getting up and school work? I think it would be an awesome way to get active.
We should have this time in the middle of the day so we can relax before the other half of the day so we can vent from everything. I know that my teachers get very frustrated with kids chatting in class. So social time at that recess could be very helpful to the teachers. Being in middle school I have noticed that many people are talking in class and not really taking the time listen and try to learn. Now with our new laptops people are caught up with them and not really focused in with that class period so maybe a little time to socialize and help talk there would be less talking and distractions in the class. This time outside could get a little noisy and very crazy so if things don’t go as it should, kids will either be sent inside or consequences will be decided if the time comes.
The third reason that I think that kids should get a recess is because we like to have fun , we like to run around and jump, play or even play a game of jumprope or basketball. Being in school for eight hours with very few breaks gets a little boring. We could refresh ourselves from school for twenty minutes or so.
I hope that people will take the time to recognize the help that this will bring to teachers and students. Thank you for your consideration and help.
Thank you,
Ali Bierman
Thursday, February 25, 2010
We the people,Have a voice!
This is our country as it has been for hundreds of years, and now evil and corrupt politicians are trying to change all that! as the people of the united states of America we reserve the right to freedom of speech and now this right along with many others are slowly being taken away from us . This is not the way it should be! This is completely inexcusable and unacceptable! We must rise up as a people and fight for the rights that our honest and respectable founding fathers created and put in place so that we could be free and happy and able to make our own choices ! They based the constitution on these nine principles and twelve values. Thank you Glenn Beck for the following excerpt from your website the nine twelve project!
9 Principles, 12 Values
The 9 Principles
America Is Good.
I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.
God “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” from George Washington’s first Inaugural address.
I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
Honesty “I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider to be the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.” George Washington
The family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
Marriage/Family “It is in the love of one’s family only that heartfelt happiness is known. By a law of our nature, we cannot be happy without the endearing connections of a family.” Thomas Jefferson
If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
Justice “I deem one of the essential principles of our government… equal and exact justice to all men of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.” Thomas Jefferson
I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness “Everyone has a natural right to choose that vocation in life which he thinks most likely to give him comfortable subsistence.” Thomas Jefferson
I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
Charity “It is not everyone who asketh that deserveth charity; all however, are worth of the inquiry or the deserving may suffer.” George Washington
It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
On your right to disagree “In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude; every man will speak as he thinks, or more properly without thinking.” George Washington
The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me
Who works for whom? “I consider the people who constitute a society or a nation as the source of all authority in that nation.” Thomas Jefferson
The 12 Values
* Honesty
* Reverence
* Hope
* Thrift
* Humility
* Charity
* Sincerity
* Moderation
* Hard Work
* Courage
* Personal Responsibility
* Gratitude
When you consider these things , how many of them do you think that the government still upholds? One, two,? Well some uphold (or try to anyways) these values but, most turn on this country and try to destroy this democracy that our founding fathers created! They sneak and connive and do not feel that the public deserves answers,and many faithful Americans are finally sick of putting up with their bull and lies!
We will bond together and not give in to the major powers of the government. The very people many believed good are now turning out to be liars and scoundrels! They have abused our trust and now they must pay the price for their crimes! The Constitution clearly states that the House from each sector of the United States is responsible for punishing members of the government for disorderly conduct and clearly they are no doing a very good job! You know today would be the best time for people to get involved in movements just like the 9/12 project! Things that are run by good honest christian men like Glenn Beck. ( By the way I am NOT Glenn Beck )
Now some people think that I am weird since I am only 13, but I think that young people should get involved as they are the ones who are going to be taking care of this nations economy in just a few short years! Anyone who is able to should get involved in their country’s well being and make a change! A good one! One to influence the future of this country a better one! If America’s youth would just get up and make an effort to change the way our country is being run then America’s government would be a more honest thing! This country is now being over run with scum bags who want to make this free nation a communist one!
Now is the time to get up and make a difference ! Just like the videos that Glenn Beck showed of the people taking advantage of their right to free speech. They sure showed that senator not to mess with the people!! these government “officials just don’t get it, Don’t mess with the U.S.!!!
And about this new health care plan. You know how right now we have “Cash for clunkers”? How long do you think it’s gonna’ be before we have “Cash for Cripples”?! The idea that if my papa has a stroke or a heart attack and then be denied medical help because he’s going to “ die soon anyways” makes me want to punch someone right in the kisser! This is a horrible and cruel idea that should be completely erased!
So now you know what we need . Your time is up . MAKE YOUR CHOICE.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Home work, is it really essential?
Homework is not necessary for students to have, in some cases it actually makes kids have lower grades. Like my friend Thomas Hall, he can do very well in school but he hasn’t any time for homework. Between him trying to make sure he is keeping his grades up and extracurricular activities. Having sports taken away because students “didn’t get their homework done” is really sad because it is taking away from that child’s ability to socialize and have a healthy body by being active.
Yes teachers may argue that homework is needed so that a student will be able to learn concepts easier but most kids just sit there staring at the homework and say “I already know this so why the heck am I learning it again?”
Homework also takes away from children's sleep time. They could have a learning disability, get home have some homework that they don’t understand and be really stressed because they can’t get the homework done. Then the next day get to school and be even more stressed because the teacher yells at them because they don’t have the work done. Homework isn’t all that it is cut out to be. That is how I feel.
Thank you,
Harry Larrabee
Friday, February 12, 2010
Laptop Restrictions at HGS
This laptop thing: I think that the computer restriction is not effective. We should be able to take them home because if we can't, you're basically making it harder for you because you can't assign assignments to us since we can't take them home. Yes, some of us use them for non-school related items but don’t make us suffer for their mistakes. You should make it so the people who didn’t do that can take them home, and the people who abused them can't.
I think that we should be able to bring our computers home so that we can do our homework that we might have. Like this week we have a lot of homework to do on our laptops, but we can't take them home because we are not allowed, and the reason we are not allowed to is because our class and in the 7th grade class have been going on the inappropriate things for these laptops. Yes,they are for school, but I really really don't see the big deal. It is not hurting anyone. Yes there are bullies,but if teachers can see our computer’s then there are no worries.
Instead of searching our computers they take everyone’s away. So obviously they can't see our computers because if they could then they would have. Another reason,they said we don't take care of these computers. Of course, we don't treat them with respect....well some of us but most don't.The reason fo this becuase anythng we do unless it is an assingment we get demerits for.If they didnt want us to to use them except for school work...then why would they put apps on them that are not school related.
Another thing,the rules change everytime.In the begging in the year we were able to get on those app’s.But now if we go on them we get into trouble.How can a teacher say Oh! you can go on theese app’s.But now that we have been here for alittle while we cant.So that is what i meant when i said they changed the rules.I now they can change it but they shouldnt just becuase it is half way into the year.
So i think that wee should be able to take these computers home,becuase we need them.Plus,if we cant take them home then the teacher’s have to suffer and change there schedule around.So i hope you will take this and change what you guy’s are doing.
Christopher Maxwell.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Student Hood Policey
Some people think that by wearing hoods in school you could lose attention in class but it would be a lot better to let us wear hoods that get some people mad and not pay any attention at all because they’re mad.
I know from experience that some people get really mad over something simple and rather not important yes, but for some people it somewhat meaningful to them and makes them feel better. Wearing the hood feels kind of like a shelter to them. People can’t see them and can’t judge them.
Some times people just want to feel like they’re alone in their own little world because they’re sad, shy or just not feeling like being with anyone and I now that with a hood on you don’t fell like your with anyone or that your having so much attention to you. It just makes people feel better, especially if you want to be alone. Either way, that doesn’t mean that the person in the hood can see it’s just like a security blanket thing.
Middle school students should be able to wear their hoods in school.
Convincing Mom
I think that it is important to get a job in highschool.
The first reason to get a job is that I need the money for school supplies, snacks and clothes. For example some of the school supplies are pencils, notebooks, pens.I also need snacks like crackers, popcorn, chips and cookies. In High school you should dress nicely so I will need shirts skirts and dresses. If I am working after school I can buy things my self and help mom out.
Another reason is to buy a car. If I had a car I could drive to places and help my mom out with chores.
If I had a car I need to buy gas and to repair the car. If I had a job I can pay for the car.
My last reason is to buy a dog if it is okay to my mom for I can buy a dog. I should buy a dog because the dog can be my friend at home. I want a dog that does not bite people also I want the dog to bark at burglars.
Sincerly Amanda Aley
Haiti Relief After Earthquake
Dear Editor,
I read about the earthquake in Haiti in the Ellsworth American. It was saying about how every one in Haiti was devastated in some way from the earthquake. Whether it was them who had gotten killed or whether it was a friend or family member, every one was affected.
So I believe this is a very important matter. I believe that we should stop worrying about what celebrities are doing next, and start worrying about the devastated people in Haiti. I mean let’s face it, none of us in Maine really know what it’s like to be devastated after an earthquake. And if Haiti’s population wasn’t low enough, now they’ve lost just about one-hundred thousand more.
And how would you feel if you lost everything? If you went to work one day, and you went home and saw in place of what used to be a beautiful home, rubble and wood. And you looked for your family who hadn’t survived. Left alone. Standing in the rubble and wood. Wondering if you could make it without them. Well that’s how the people in Haiti are feeling right now. But we can help.
Just donate $10 to the red cross foundation. To donate through the phone, text Haiti to 90999, and the money will be added to your next phone bill. If you don’t want to do this, go to Because you can trust them to actually donate money to the haiti earthquake. Unlike the other foundations that are just a hoax. But anyway, I bet you can’t give me three good reasons why not to donate to the poor people in haiti. So stop worrying about yourselves and get on the computer and start donating!!!
Kayla Morrison,
Hancock, ME
Dont Ban Concealed Weappons
I believe one thing the park officers can do is ask each individual if they are carrying a concealed weapon, also ask for the license for proof to be sure that they are trained to use it. Only when it is absolutely needed. If they did that then it would be a lot safer. They wouldn't have to ban concealed weapons from the parks.
If the law to ban concealed weapons from the parks, a bear or some other animal tries to attack someone, they are licensed to cary a concealed weapon but they made it so they couldn't, the bear or any other animal attacked the person and killed them it wouldn't look to nice for the park. If the person was allowed to have a concealed weapon, they could defend themselves, lived with only minor injuries.
Families go to parks all the time, what if some sick messed up person decides to take a child or try to strangle someone, one or both of the parents were licensed to carry a concealed weapon but it wasn't allowed then someone could be seriously injured or even killed. If the people were allowed to legally carry a licensed concealed weapon they could save a lot of people, also themselves.
Most individuals that are licensed to carry a concealed weapon will only use it for self defense, usually only at the last resort. Take that away in a public outdoor place, many could be injured and loose their lives. If more and more people found out the less individuals would want to come to the parks. So I am just saying it is not a safe or smart idea to ban guns from parks but to make it a little safer just ask the people if they have a license to carry a legal concealed weapon, if they do ask to see the license. It would make it a lot safer that way.
Should they Be Allowed to go or not
Dear, Editor
I have a opinion on the story “The Slam Dunk Success Story” on February 2nd, 2010, In The Portland Press . This story is about juvenile kids who are playing class D basketball and the state is deciding if they should let the kids go to the state tournament or not.
The kids should be able to go the state playoffs because for one what is the point of having a basketball team if they cant even go to the tournament.
Also the kids have worked hard all year to get into the tournament and they have got. They never had any problems with the kids at games. So if they keep playing good with little to no behavior problems what is the matter if they go to the tournament? They’ve played hard they earned a spot in the tournament so they should be able to go to the tournament. This also gives them a reason to have good behavior because I am sure that all they care about right now other then getting out is having a chance to go the state tournament and prove themselves. I know that that is what I would want to do if I was them. It also will make the kids feel good because they would have accomplished something good in. It will also give them something to work for next year.
Dylan Young
Hancock, Maine
Dear Editor,
My name is Jake and I am a student from Hancock. I am responding to the article called “Family Blames Gang Members for Teens Death”. I think what happened is very sad and tragic. Not one parent should have to lose there child. I feel very sorry for the family.
Gang violence is terrible but I think it really all about respect and thinking your tough. They start gangs because they feel they will get respect that way an it makes them feel tough and in charge. Too most people it seems very immature and it is but they have reasons for doing it.
Another reason I believe gangs are formed is because they see gangs on t.v and in books and here about them and they think that its so cool and they think they should make one.
The boy should have known that being in a gang is risky and can have consequences. Getting in a fight isn’t a good thing but shooting the kid is worse and no one should have pulled a gun. The man who did the shooting should have thought about it first because now he will probably be in jail for most of his life.
Some reasons for people joining gangs may be the grew up without a dad and not very wealthy. They grew up in bad enviroments or their parents were drug addicts. They feel like other gang members are their family and they will have protection.
It is terrible what happened and I feel very sorry for the family. No matter what there will always be gangs as long as there are gangs there will be gang violence. This is Just one of those tragedies that happens and unfortunately it happened to him. We have too move on and find away too put a stop to this.
Jake Hale
Hancock, Maine
Students Can Not Bring Laptops Home.
I believe that we should be allowed to take our laptops home. We’re not allowed to take our laptop home because people have gone on websites that we are not allowed to go on. People have also been on photo booth when they are not suppose to.
I don’t think that it is fair that teacher get to take their laptops home to. Some people in the class have never gone on those sites and they still got punished. So if the students that didn’t do anything can’t take them home then teachers shouldn’t be able to either.
We should be able to take our laptops home because one day we had three assignments that were assigned that day but due the next and they all had to do with our laptops. So some of us had to work three times as hard just to get it done. Other kids who do not work three times as hard just gave up because they knew they couldn’t get it all done in time. It is making the work harder for the students.
I hope you see where I’m coming from and what happened when we were not allowed to take our laptops home.
Better School Lunches?
I sign up for hot lunch on a weekday morning in my classroom. They say that it is baked ziti, bread wedge, salad bar, fruit and milk. Yum! As twelve o’clock nears and my stomach grumbles. So when we enter the gym, I am extremely hungry and looking forward to my meal. I step up to the window and the give me a small tub of lumpy sauce and some tough noodles and the salad bar contains lettuce, cucumbers, peaches that were almost gone, and a couple other things. It definitely disappoints me that our school doesn’t have good lunches.
Some say that we should be thankful that we even have the option of hot lunch, and I am, but I still think that they should put in some more effort into healthier lunches. Our lunch ladies try hard and I am not accusing them doing a bad job. I just think we should be able to eat organic foods that don’t have chemicals and taste fresh and delicious. My family gets organic food and I can definitely tell the difference.
I believe also that if we had better food, the school would make more money, which is something that we definitely need. Lately, i’ve been thinking that the reason we are getting small and cheap lunches is because fewer kids are purchasing their lunches. We are charged $2.25 per lunch; every year the fee rises more and more. If we were supporting local farming groups, then maybe we could negotiate and even get a good deal with them. I also think that we could support the community and give a little bit to everyone. It could serve educational purposes. We could learn a little bit more about where our food comes from.
Before I would like to end my story, I would like to say that I really do think that the school’s lunch ladies are extremely hard-working. I think that the school wants us to grow up with an experience that we will remember. A nice experience I could remember could be missing Hancock for the lunches and field trips.
Death sentence?
Dear Editor,
I believe that people who murder or man slaughter should get the death sentence. I know that sounds harsh but think about it these people are taking other peoples life, so I think theres should be taken. This has been discussed in the past and a lot of people say well what if it was a accident or something like that. Well there can be some exception. For example if you go to your court case and you are not totally proven guilty then you can just go to jail. Im talking about people who purposely kill other people and its proven that they did that.
If it is a accident its understandable like someone getting hit or some freak accident like that. What if you got murdered just because of a rumor or your race or just some grudge someone has against you. Wouldn't you want them to get killed too? I know I would.
I mean obviously if you are a suspect of murdering someone and its not proven you murdered you are not going to get the death sentence. Because that happens a lot.
Another thing is people get killed all the time through self defense. If you feel threatened or some one is attacking you and you end up killing someone That would be a exception to the death sentence rule. Cops kill people all the time but it is usually for self defense. So if some one kills someone else but it is self defense you would not get the death sentence. So im saying there is a lot of exception to this rule. Again this rule would only take place if some one purposely killed someone else and it was proven or someone saw the murder. Thats when they should get the death sentence.
For example a few days ago this 18 year old boy killed another 19 year old boy basically for no reason. He just did it because he thought he was all bad. In my opinion he should get the death sentence he took a innocent life so his life should be taken. This is my opinion and I hope you all agree.
Sincerely: Andre Reinero, Hancock Maine
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Too Much Homework!
I believe that teachers should have a limit for how much homework they can give. We spend most of the day at school during the week anyway and when we have a lot of homework we have almost no time to do anything but school work and we have no time for things that we want to do.
We are in school for seven hours each day. Add about an hour each day to complete homework and writing projects and independent reading. We might as well just add on to the school day. So I believe that schools should have a limit on homework to give students some time to be kids and do what they want to do.
When I get home from a long day at school the last thing I want to do is an hour of homework. I believe that almost everyone else has this opinion to. If there was a limit on homework we would be less tired and less likely to fail because we will have enough time to do all of it and then the teachers won’t yell at us for not having our homework done.
Thank you and I hope my classmates share my opinion.
Jacob Norton
Hancock, ME
My Editorial
The Enjoyment of the Special Olympics
I believe the Special Olympics is for all the athletes who would want to go to the real Olympics, but can’t because of their disability(s). The Special Olympics is an event for people like you and me with disabilities. The disabled and their coaches race down Sugarloaf and do many other activities. Many volunteers came together to help the Olympians with things like, making food, cleaning up, timing the races, and helping the Olympians themselves.
I believe that volunteering is an amazing experience that makes everyone softhearted afterwards. My Father, Mother, brother and I were volunteering for the Special Olympics and from my personal experience with volunteering, I believe it’s a joy for everyone when they help. The festivities all came out to be an enjoyment for everyone, and everyone is a winner when it comes down to it all.
The Special Olympics lasted from Sunday, January 31st to Tuesday, February 2nd. The volunteers, people in charge, and athletes, are kind and will always have something for you to do. There are raffles, skiing, snowboarding and much more that everyone will enjoy. The raffle this year was for a large quilt, with a soft back to it to keep you warm in the winter. Skiing is an exciting experience that everyone will love. I hope everyone will want to help out next year.
~Shelby Fortier
Hancock, ME