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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dear Editor,

My name is Jake and I am a student from Hancock. I am responding to the article called “Family Blames Gang Members for Teens Death”. I think what happened is very sad and tragic. Not one parent should have to lose there child. I feel very sorry for the family.

Gang violence is terrible but I think it really all about respect and thinking your tough. They start gangs because they feel they will get respect that way an it makes them feel tough and in charge. Too most people it seems very immature and it is but they have reasons for doing it.

Another reason I believe gangs are formed is because they see gangs on t.v and in books and here about them and they think that its so cool and they think they should make one.

The boy should have known that being in a  gang is risky and can have consequences. Getting in a fight isn’t a good thing but shooting the kid is worse and no one should have pulled a gun. The man who did the shooting  should have thought about it first because now he will probably be in jail for most of his life.

Some reasons for people joining gangs may be the grew up without a dad and not very wealthy. They grew up in bad enviroments or their parents were drug addicts. They feel like other gang members are their family and they will have protection. 

It is terrible what happened and I feel very sorry for the family. No matter what there will always be gangs as long as there are gangs there will be gang violence. This is Just one of those tragedies that happens and unfortunately it happened to him. We have too move on and find away too put a stop to this.



        Jake Hale

        Hancock, Maine


  1. I think that is true that is very sad, but unfortunately they cannot all be stopped.

  2. Nice easy Jake about your life.

    - Amanda
