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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Death sentence?

Dear Editor,

I believe that people who murder or man slaughter should get the death sentence. I know that sounds harsh but think about it these people are taking other peoples life, so I think theres should be taken. This has been discussed in the past and a lot of people say well what if it was a accident or something like that. Well there can be some exception. For example if you go to your court case and you are not totally proven guilty then you can just go to jail. Im talking about people who purposely kill other people and its proven that they did that.

If it is a accident its understandable like someone getting hit or some freak accident like that. What if you got murdered just because of a rumor or your race or just some grudge someone has against you. Wouldn't you want them to get killed too? I know I would. 

I mean obviously if you are a suspect of murdering someone and its not proven you murdered you are not going to get the death sentence. Because that happens a lot.

Another thing is people get killed all the time through self defense. If you feel threatened or some one is attacking you and you end up killing someone That would be a exception to the death sentence rule. Cops kill people all the time but it is usually for self defense. So if some one kills someone else but it is self defense you would not get the death sentence. So im saying there is a lot of exception to this rule. Again this rule would only take place if some one purposely killed someone else and it was proven or someone saw the murder. Thats when they should get the death sentence. 

For example a few days ago this 18 year old boy killed another 19 year old boy basically for no reason. He just did it because he thought he was all bad. In my opinion he should get the death sentence he took a innocent life so his life should be taken. This is my opinion and I hope you all agree. 

Sincerely: Andre Reinero, Hancock Maine


  1. Yes I would want that person to die to. Good letter.

  2. i think they should get the death sentence to

  3. haha thats nice. I guess i do kind of agree though. Good job Andre!!
    ( \_/ )

  4. I completely agree. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life" is a saying that dates back to biblical times. If a man (or a woman) kills another person, they deserve to die. Whether it is lethal injection or the chair I say that murderers should not have money spent to keep them alive. All murderers should be executed!

  5. Yeah andre, i agree. there are many murderers still at large, and if they were caught they probably would just find another way escape. So, yea. Good opinion.
