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Monday, March 8, 2010

Dear Teachers,
I don’t think we need to have homework almost every night. Kids play sports which take up time and have other things to do besides homework.
Why do we need homework if we just had a whole day of school? If we have sports then dinner, when do we rest? You can get more rest if you don’t have homework. When I get home after a full day of school, the last thing I want to do is homework.
I am okay with homework every once in awhile but everyday it just makes you overwhelmed. If we have homework, it should be in smaller amounts because we have lives outside of school too so we don’t have two hours every night to do homework and I do not want to stay up all night doing homework because then I am tired in the morning. If homework was in smaller amounts, that would be okay but teachers give us so much work it’s like they forget that we have other homework in other classes as well. When we add it all up, thats an hour or more of homework.
If I stay up too late doing homework I find myself making stupid mistakes and then the next day I’m tired the whole day. All day at school I am getting in trouble the whole day for being tired. For example one evening I had a game an I did not get home until almost nine. I realized I had homework so I sat down worked on my homework. We were assigned homework in almost every class that night and I did finish until ten thirty. When I woke up the next morning I looked at the clock an noticed that i was a half an hour late and found myself in a huge rush. I made it too school but the whole day I was tired an I knew it was because I stayed up to late last night. When we went over our homework I found that I had made careless mistakes. Thats what I hate most about a homework overload. Most of us are busy outside of school an it just makes everything harder after a whole day of school. During school we do a lot of work in each class so why should we have to spend a few hours after school doing more work.
I understand I am not going to be able to get rid of homework but I hope teachers at least consider this because I just want you to hear it from our point of view. The only thing that is good about homework is if you do well on it, can help your grade and that can be a good thing. I also know that it helps you build a good work ethic but we are going to be working adults someday too so we need to enjoy our time as a kid.
Those are my thoughts on homework. I am sure that most of the kids in my class agree with me. Sometimes homework can just be too much.
I do not think we should have a ton of homework every night. A little is all I am asking for. Teachers should just be a little bit more considerate when it comes to the amount of homework they assign.

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