Agree or disagree??

Please give us your attention! Our views on many varied topics are insightful and worthy of your consideration. We take many positions and have reasonable and logical reasons for you to consider. You won't be sorry as a follower to our daily posts on topics we have a lot of energy around. Remain open-minded, read our positions and reasons, and make up your own minds.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Longer Break

Dear Editor,

I think that we should have a longer break in the Fall and Spring and a shorter break in the Winter. In the Winter no one wants to go outside anyway and in the Spring and Fall kids want to be outside as much as possible.
In the Winter no one wants to go out into the cold air and stand around doing nothing for ten minutes. In the inter all we can do is stand around on the pavement waiting for the snow to melt away.
At the beginning and end of the year we can play kickball, run around, swing, sit and talk on the bleachers, and lay on the grass. Those are just some of the things we can do outside.
As you can see, we can do much more in the Fall and Spring than we can do in the Winter. Which is why I think that we should have a longer break when we have things we can do outside and a shorter break when we can do nothing.


None For The Show letter to the editor 2

I Think killer whales should be returned to the wild and set free. I don't agree with your out of the times statement though, because I thing a lot of people would like to see a whale at sea world. Though I do think that killer whales belong in their natural habitat. Whales are mammals too and they should be treated as such. I agree that their tanks are too small for them an that is another reason they should bring them back to the wild. I have seen their tanks and I don't think the sea dwelling creatures like how they have limited places to swim. 
I do not have complete sympathy for them either though. I was deeply saddened when I heard about the four people who died in cause of the black and white beast. I think the trainers for the whales should have some kind of protection against the whales if they are pulled under. It's so sad that a whale killed it's trainers, even if it thinks it's playing with them it's still not right. Like what I always say, Never bit the hand that feeds you. Then to think of telling the families you would have to tell, what would you say, 'I'm sorry but your son/daughter was drowned by a whale they were training'? It's horrible, just horrible.
If you think about it, what would the people who watch the shows really want? Higher prices on tickets so they can watch a killer whale suffer and destroy human life, or pay less with minus the killer whale, still having a good time and less life would be lost. I mean, is that really what the KILLER means in killer whale? I hope it's just a coincidence.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

                         Maria Libby 8L   

               March  8, 2010                  

               Final Draft


We Need Our Laptops Back

     At the beginning of our eighth grade year, we were given brand new, one-thousand dollar laptops. We all were very happy to have a new tool to use at school. As the year has gone on the attitude has changed a bit towards the use of the computers. Several students have been using them for things other than school. Such as facebook and checking personal email. After some of the middle level teachers found this, they proposed that the laptops remain at school until after February vacation. Well, when we all came back from our break, the seventh grades and eighth grade were not given the right to take the laptops home as they were supposed to. Now there has been a lot of talk about when we are going to get them back. Here is mine opinion.

   Okay, I understand that some students are misusing them, but why should you punish everybody? I am one of many students that have been using them correctly and I used the computer for my homework every night. I don’t think that we should have them taken away if certain people’s homework is being completed. There are students making honor roll and working hard to succeed and sometimes it is hard to do that when you can’t bring your laptop home.

 As I started discussing in my previous paragraph I have noticed that I have had a harder time completing my school work. For all of my classes we use them and when homework is assigned, it is very frustrating and stressful to do at school because I know that I only have my hour of study hall to complete things from five classes. Usually we have some homework in all five subjects.

Also, I would like to say that it has been a big help so far this year having these laptops. It has been such a help looking for research and examples. I really think that it is too bad that the teachers here can’t trust us with our school computers. We do a lot of slideshows using the application Keynote and write a lot using Pages. Actually right now using our laptops has been very helpful in our Wabanaki studies, and our science inventions. We also use Noteshare which is a program where us students are able to see interact with each other and our teachers.

    All students have different opinions and this is mine. I know that things are changing and we are learning new ways of working things out. Hopefully when you read this, you are seeing my point of view and the values that us students have.


Monday, March 8, 2010

When I get home from school the last thing I want to do is homework. It might be different if it was just a page but I think we have too much homework.

For example, last Tuesday we had a game in Stueben, which is pretty far away. After the game I got home around 8:30 I was tired so I was gonna go to bed. I look in my bag real quick and remembered all the homework I had to do so I stayed up till 11 at night getting it all done! Then the next day I did terrible in school because I was so tired. 

We go to school for 7 hours a day. Our parents usually say “ don’t complain, we work all day”. Well, we go to school all day and we do just as much as our parents. When I come home I want to rest I worked all day in school but no I cant rest i have to do a few HOURS of homework.

Our “working” parents get to come home and rest. I think we should be able to just come home and rest too. I lose a lot of sleep because of homework. I stay up till late hours because I have basketball. So when I come home at eight at night from a game, I have to stay up till 11 getting my homework done. I wake up at 6 i need my sleep. When i come to school Im tired and its hard to listen and be alert causing bad grades. All this is caused because of homework.

Or maybe teachers can work out deals with the students. For example maybe if we are good in class we don’t get homework but if we are bad we get homework. I understand homework is kind of a tradition. My math teacher, for example, always says, “Don’t complain. When i was a kid i had 50 or 60 questions a night! That was her life 40 years ago but things have changed, we have technology making it easier to learn and personally having homework does not make me smarter. Usually it does not help me if I get stuck there is no one there to help me. Then when i come to school and say i didn’t get it. The teachers don’t believe me and say it was just a excuse.

One more thing homework causes a lot of stress especially when you don’t get it done. Man am, I scared when I forget to do a assignment. And like I said, I play basketball and if you don’t get your homework you get a detention. So when I forget to do my homework, I rush to get it done causing it to not be done right.

So all together i think homework is a bad idea and it causes all of these things maybe teachers could do the homework in class so they can help us.

Dear Teachers,
I don’t think we need to have homework almost every night. Kids play sports which take up time and have other things to do besides homework.
Why do we need homework if we just had a whole day of school? If we have sports then dinner, when do we rest? You can get more rest if you don’t have homework. When I get home after a full day of school, the last thing I want to do is homework.
I am okay with homework every once in awhile but everyday it just makes you overwhelmed. If we have homework, it should be in smaller amounts because we have lives outside of school too so we don’t have two hours every night to do homework and I do not want to stay up all night doing homework because then I am tired in the morning. If homework was in smaller amounts, that would be okay but teachers give us so much work it’s like they forget that we have other homework in other classes as well. When we add it all up, thats an hour or more of homework.
If I stay up too late doing homework I find myself making stupid mistakes and then the next day I’m tired the whole day. All day at school I am getting in trouble the whole day for being tired. For example one evening I had a game an I did not get home until almost nine. I realized I had homework so I sat down worked on my homework. We were assigned homework in almost every class that night and I did finish until ten thirty. When I woke up the next morning I looked at the clock an noticed that i was a half an hour late and found myself in a huge rush. I made it too school but the whole day I was tired an I knew it was because I stayed up to late last night. When we went over our homework I found that I had made careless mistakes. Thats what I hate most about a homework overload. Most of us are busy outside of school an it just makes everything harder after a whole day of school. During school we do a lot of work in each class so why should we have to spend a few hours after school doing more work.
I understand I am not going to be able to get rid of homework but I hope teachers at least consider this because I just want you to hear it from our point of view. The only thing that is good about homework is if you do well on it, can help your grade and that can be a good thing. I also know that it helps you build a good work ethic but we are going to be working adults someday too so we need to enjoy our time as a kid.
Those are my thoughts on homework. I am sure that most of the kids in my class agree with me. Sometimes homework can just be too much.
I do not think we should have a ton of homework every night. A little is all I am asking for. Teachers should just be a little bit more considerate when it comes to the amount of homework they assign.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Let's Chew Gum Please! =]

Dear Viewpoints Editor,
There is a school rule where students are not allowed to chew gum during the school day, Monday through Thursday, eight o’ clock to three o’ clock and Friday, eight o’ clock to two o’ clock. I want to discuss this issue with you, editor, on my opinion of whether or not students should be about to chew gum during the school day or not.
First, my opinion is I think students should be able to chew gum during the school day hours. You are probably thinking, “Oh boy, here we go again.” But, don’t stress, I have many reasons on why students should be able to chew gum during the school day hours and you, editor, you won’t regret reading them at all.
My first reason that students should be able to chew gum during the school day hours is that it has officially been proven by scientists that students who chewed gum while taking their test got a higher test grade vs. to the students that didn’t chew gum while taking their test. So, that means the students who were chewing gum focused better and the gum stimulated their brains to function faster and more efficiently. Now, if middle school students here at Hancock Grammar School were aloud to chew gum, possibly they would focus more, get higher test grades, and better grades in general.
Another reason on why students should be allowed to chew gum during the school day hours is knowing how gum helps students focus, students wouldn’t be so off-task and noisy, they would be focused and listening intently to what is going on. Wouldn’t that be grand?
The third reason on why students should be allowed to chew gum during the school hours is gum helps control hunger and anxiousness. That’s great, huh? So, if students were chewing gum they wouldn’t be complaining on how hungry they were or anxious for break, lunch, or basketball practice. The gum would help them relax and feel content and full.
Wouldn’t that be tremendously amazing if every student in the middle school would be focused, doing their work, and getting great grades! Wow, just imagine that because of a piece of gum, a life savor, huh? Also, if there happens to be trouble with students putting their “ABC” gum under desks, tables, and other school properties, the whole middle school has to stop what they are doing and help clean up the mess. The teachers could give us three chances and each chance we fail, the whole middle school can not chew gum for two weeks and if we fail and hit three strikes. We have lost the ball game on not being able to chew gum for the rest for the year. So, Editor of Viewpoints, I hope I persuaded you to let us, the middle schoolers of Hancock Grammar School, chew gum during the school day hours.
Karlianne Cameron Wilson

Let's Chew Gum Please! =]

Dear Viewpoints Editor,
There is a school rule where students are not allowed to chew gum during the school day, Monday through Thursday, eight o’ clock to three o’ clock and Friday, eight o’ clock to two o’ clock. I want to discuss this issue with you, editor, on my opinion of whether or not students should be about to chew gum during the school day or not.
First, my opinion is I think students should be able to chew gum during the school day hours. You are probably thinking, “Oh boy, here we go again.” But, don’t stress, I have many reasons on why students should be able to chew gum during the school day hours and you, editor, you won’t regret reading them at all.
My first reason that students should be able to chew gum during the school day hours is that it has officially been proven by scientists that students who chewed gum while taking their test got a higher test grade vs. to the students that didn’t chew gum while taking their test. So, that means the students who were chewing gum focused better and the gum stimulated their brains to function faster and more efficiently. Now, if middle school students here at Hancock Grammar School were aloud to chew gum, possibly they would focus more, get higher test grades, and better grades in general.
Another reason on why students should be allowed to chew gum during the school day hours is knowing how gum helps students focus, students wouldn’t be so off-task and noisy, they would be focused and listening intently to what is going on. Wouldn’t that be grand?
The third reason on why students should be allowed to chew gum during the school hours is gum helps control hunger and anxiousness. That’s great, huh? So, if students were chewing gum they wouldn’t be complaining on how hungry they were or anxious for break, lunch, or basketball practice. The gum would help them relax and feel content and full.
Wouldn’t that be tremendously amazing if every student in the middle school would be focused, doing their work, and getting great grades! Wow, just imagine that because of a piece of gum, a life savor, huh? Also, if there happens to be trouble with students putting their “ABC” gum under desks, tables, and other school properties, the whole middle school has to stop what they are doing and help clean up the mess. The teachers could give us three chances and each chance we fail, the whole middle school can not chew gum for two weeks and if we fail and hit three strikes. We have lost the ball game on not being able to chew gum for the rest for the year. So, Editor of Viewpoints, I hope I persuaded you to let us, the middle schoolers of Hancock Grammar School, chew gum during the school day hours.
Karlianne Cameron Wilson

Gum in Classrooms

Dear Editor,
I believe that the students that attend Hancock Grammar should be allowed to chew gum during school. Don’t you? I mean, we have been asking for this right for a while and we still haven’t been granted our wish. Well, I think I have a really good argument. So first I’m going to back you up with the facts about chewing gum benefits. Now, I know that you are probably thinking, b-o-r-i-n-g! But in the long run, this could be helpful. When you chew gum, it sets your jaw muscles into motion. This, believe it or not, increases focus, concentration, and alertness. This could be really beneficial during class when you’re learning an new skill or even when you’re studying. Now, I’m sure you’ve heard that chewing gum can decrease appetite and reduce weight loss, right? Well, with obesity becoming a bigger issue in our younger generations, isn’t that a good thing?

Well, the learning part is over so you can sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of this. Imagine you’re sitting in class and the teacher is on one of her tangents. You keep fading in and out of focus, struggling to pay attention. Then your stomach growls, embarrassing you. Everyone looks at you. What can you do? You aren’t allowed to eat in class, although you wish you could. And you just can’t seem to pay attention! All you want is a sweet taste and a busy jaw. Ta da! Gum! Basically, us kids are just dying during class periods. Unfortunately, we’re bored and, most of the time, we don’t eat breakfast. We’re hungry and are suffering till lunch arrives and then we’re stuffing ourselves beyond belief. It’s unhealthy.

Last, but not least, we can be responsible. I’m sure that the main reason we are not allowed gum is because we won’t throw it away. They probably think we’ll drop it all over the carpets and stick it to the undersides of desks, right? Well, we have to talk about punishment. Okay, lets say that some chewed pieces of gum are found miss placed. We are punished with a week of no gum. If you are caught, you are involved in the removal of the gum, acting as a detention, after school and an unexcused absent for sports. I think if we have some penalties like this, our cause may be more convincing. So there you have it. All of my reasons we should be allowed to chew gum at school. You with me?

Haley Sattler

Wearing Hats in School

Hi, I’m Juliana, a seventh grade girl who attends Hancock Grammar School. I think that all schools in RSU 24 should be allowed to wear hats in school. One day when we had hat day my class acted great that whole day. No one got any demerits and everybody listened to the teachers. I think it was because everybody wanted to be aloud to wear they’re hats. That was the best my class had been in a while. The three good things about my hat idea are...

If someone is having a bad hair day, has a cold or has a bad hair cut, then they won’t get teased and they’d be happier.

2) Students will remove their hats during the “Pledge of Allegiance, during assemblies, and if the hat it has any bad language, and the teacher can ask them to remove it.

The hats we wear cannot be insulting, and we must take the hat off if the teacher asks them to take it off. No listening to music with the hat on.

I know what you’re thinking. What if the student doesn’t remove their hat? Kids could also hide they’re face and it would be disrespectful. The teachers could give the student three strikes and they’re out! First, the teacher could put their name on the board. Next, if the student still refuses then give them a demerit, if the student is still resident then you can send them to the principal's office as a last resort.
Please consider these reasons and really think this through. I think this may improve student behavior.


Recess for Middle Schoolers

Dear Editor,

I have an opinion and would appreciate it if you took the time to hear me out. I believe middle schoolers at Hancock Grammar School should have the opportunity to have recess and not just a ten minute break.

The first obvious reason is exercise. We all know and can stereotype teenagers. They all basically lounge around eating potato chips and watch t.v., right? Recess is a perfect time for exercise. Especially because at our short, ten minute breaks, many of us play kickball which proves that we actually like the exercise.
Now it’s time for the teachers. The only break the teacher’s get is during our ten minute break and lunch time, not to mention that some teachers are on lunch duty. But, I’m sure the teachers wouldn’t mind being on recess duty that much. It is a time to enjoy the fresh air and chat about the day while the kids get the exercise they need that they may not be able to get at home.

I know what you’re probably thinking. What with how short our classes are now, we just can’t possibly even think about making time for recess. I have taken this into consideration, and I think that getting rid of our ten minute break in the morning, shortening study hall, and shortening our first class will do. Besides, our first class seems to last forever meaning that there is enough time to be able to shorten it just a little bit.

But, let’s talk about being fair. I mean, c’mon now. While us middle schoolers are going through a constant nonstop routine, the little kids are probably enjoying themselves with their long recess. Also, they get long breaks between classes. Don’t you think it’s time for our share of fun again?

I hope you take my letter into consideration,

Alycia W.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Self-injury Social Issue

Dear Editor,
Last week, I read an interesting article written by Theodore Beauchaine on February 1, 2010 titled, “Some kids hurt themselves to feel better” This article was stating that tweens, teens, and young adults physically harming themselves is becoming a social issue, and I definitely agree and have many good reasons to back up my opinion that it is an issue.

First of all, Self-injury Syndrome is when a human physically harms themselves to feel better or for other reasons. Cutting is one of the most popular ways, especially in girls, but there are many other ways it is done such as burning, drowning, hanging, suffocating, over dosing, and shooting. Would you really want to see your child or your best friend burn themselves with a BIC lighter or cut their wrists with a razor-blade? I think not. What is done for kids that DO hurt themselves? Sure, they put them into therapy, but some cases never get better. I believe that could be one reason that it is a social issue.

Another reason is that if teens have Self-injury Syndrome, they usually won’t listen to their parents frantically telling them to stop, because parents could be the cause or the teenager just doesn’t care about their parents opinion. They usually will just say, “Sure, yeah, whatever” but keep using or whatever it is they’re doing. They usually don’t like being told what to do by their parents, and might not even listen to their friends. It’s hard to stop once you know the adrenaline rush addiction has. They could never stop. Which also proves it’s a social issue, and that it definitely could be addressed to try to help stop it.

Finally, this mental state isn’t only physically scarring, but it will scar you mentally also. For life. Hurting yourself doesn’t do good things for your character. In the article, it told of one girl who cut her wrists when she was anxious. Sure, the bleeding will eventually stop and you may also eventually stop hurting yourself, but that will also always be a part of you. Those scars will be there for the rest of your life reminding you of your horrid past. That is a major issue, losing self esteem, and it takes a while to get back.

These are just some of my reasons that show that Self-injury is a major social issue, and I will stand by my opinion until the very end. It hurts, and nobody can change that. This is why I believe it is a major social issue. I believe we can make a difference in this, and we can do it if we all have any support at all. Will you support this cause, making the world a nicer place? Will you take action? Thanks for hearing me out, and please put in some consideration.

Hannah Craig
Hancock Grammar School