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Monday, June 20, 2011

Did Operation Iraqi Freedom do more good than harm?

Did Operation Iraqi Freedom do more good than harm? Did the benefits outweigh the bad? Here’s the cold hard truth.

We all love America, right? I know I do. Think about it, all those American soldiers, dead. How can anything good come from thousands of body bags containing young men being sent back to the States? You might say that they consciously knew what they were doing, and that it may lead to death, and that is true. But its not good, is it? It’s not something you would want to go through, the loss of a loved one, right?

Saddam Hussein was the Iraqi dictator when we invaded them. Of course, all of you probably know, he was quite brutal. In fact, he had one of the worst human rights records in the world. He reminded many people of the WWII era Russian dictator, Josef Stalin. In fact, Saddam said that Stalin was his role model. So, needless to say, it was necessary to attempt to free Iraq when Saddam may have had WMD [Weapons of Mass Destruction]. We found he did not have any, but when he had ties with terrorists, he probably could have had easy access to them if he really wanted to. Anyways, we took him and his Ba’ath government down, but nothing good came from it other then one terrorist down. [yet with others in the Middle East, did it really matter that only ONE was dead?] You might say “We took him down! That’s what we wanted to do! We did everything that was promised!” but you forget the cost of that, perhaps this war didn’t effect you personally, but it affected many families personally when they are missing a loved one, forever. You can’t sit there and say that this war was absolutely positive 100% when these men are dying and lives are being changed perpetually.

Some might say that America does no wrong. The government does everything right. But if YOU say that, do you think sorrowful families and dead people are ‘benefits’ from this? Is high taxes good? How about the fear in Americans that terrorists will attack again? Are these good things? No, absolutely not.

In total, the death count was 2,119,087. That being both American, Iraqi, and Insurgent troops. That was in seven and a half years of war. Think about all those families, missing someone at the dinner table, because they were killed, or because they were in service for however long. Would YOU want your Father, Mother, Son, or Daughter to be missing from the family, for months to years at a time, or worse, forever?

Operation Iraqi Freedom, was necessary, but it was costly, it fueled our debt, and the gas prices. According to, in 2008, the United States spent 5,000 dollars per second on military efforts in Iraq. In 2009, it was 7.3 billion dollars per month, and the cost to deploy ONE soldier to Iraq, 390,000 dollars. Keep in mind, the taxpayers [you or your parents] are the ones paying for this, and the thing that came from this was death to soldiers. Again, is this what you call “doing everything right?”

In conclusion, I personally believe that Operation Iraqi Freedom had nothing beneficial come from it. The only results were negative. I would like you, to ponder on what I have said, and I am sure that you will agree that Operation Iraqi Freedom had many negative effects. Because, if you love America and agree with what it stands for, would YOU want all of these men gone, lives cut short? I think not.

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