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Monday, June 20, 2011

Homework should be limted

I think that homework should be limited. We’re having to much and its stressing students way out. We are always worrying if we can get it done in time, if we are going to get in trouble, or will if effect our grades. As a student, I know how the feeling is. Some days i’m so packed with homework. Than I get frustrated. Not only that studies show that homework does improve some unit test scores. Also, studies show that that middle level students that have homework exceeding over 90 minutes just “drop off”. [Harris Copper]

Here is a situation that happened to me that might help you understand. Last week (it was late in the week), I got assigned a writing and reading project. Science questions and I had to finish my reading goal. That night I was really stressed out and got very frustrated because I had a hard time figuring out my writing project. The next day I was worried all day that I was going to get in trouble because I wasn’t able to finish it all.

I know that teachers don’t mean to stress us out. They just want us to have a good eduction and exceed in life. All they have is good intentions. But it’s getting out of hand. Students are having 1 to 2 hours of homework a night and sometimes more. The homework has sky rocketed since the 1990’s and is getting higher. A recommendation that I would say is that the teachers communicate on homework so we wont have so much.

Thank you so very much for listening and hope that you will really think about this.

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