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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Home work, is it really essential?

I have been told that parents and teachers are having a debate on whether or not homework is necessary for students to have. My opinion is that no students do not have to have homework. I feel that it takes away from the time students have to spend with their families. It also makes students like myself more stressed then they usually would be.

Homework is not necessary for students to have, in some cases it actually makes kids have lower grades. Like my friend Thomas Hall, he can do very well in school but he hasn’t any time for homework. Between him trying to make sure he is keeping his grades up and extracurricular activities. Having sports taken away because students “didn’t get their homework done” is really sad because it is taking away from that child’s ability to socialize and have a healthy body by being active.

Yes teachers may argue that homework is needed so that a student will be able to learn concepts easier but most kids just sit there staring at the homework and say “I already know this so why the heck am I learning it again?”

Homework also takes away from children's sleep time. They could have a learning disability, get home have some homework that they don’t understand and be really stressed because they can’t get the homework done. Then the next day get to school and be even more stressed because the teacher yells at them because they don’t have the work done. Homework isn’t all that it is cut out to be. That is how I feel.

Thank you,
Harry Larrabee

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