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Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Wonders of Reading

The way that I, Jonathan Jackson, choose a book is by looking at the cover. Ever heard of the phrase “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover?” Well, I choose books by looking at the cover. The book i’m currently reading now is the book I chose just by looking at the cover. I thought to myself “This book would be really good.” and I was right. I love to read books when I see what the books look like.

Sometimes, I choose books by the genre. For example, I love reading horror, mystery, and action novels. These are my top three favorite genre’s because they all have suspense involved. Plus they all have action. My favorite books are mostly action. I have a few Alex Rider books at home and I just love to read these action stories.

I also love the plots of stories. In the Alex Rider books, the story would start in a nice peachy area. Then the story will start climbing up to where a little action gets involved. Next, there would be a suspenseful moment that will make you keep on reading. Finally, near the end of the book, a huge battle breaks out and after the fighting, the whole story will get peachy and the story will go back to normal.

I love to read because you’ll never know what will happen. Books are full of wonders.

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