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Friday, October 28, 2011

My system to Finding a Book

The system for me to find a reading book is to look at the cover, the title, the back, and read the first chapter.
The reason why I choose to go by the cover and title is because that's what I first see. That's what makes me go towards the book and want to read it. The reason why I read the back is because it gives me a over view of what the book is going to be about. I read the first chapter because that gives me a little hint of how the book is written.
The last book I choose was Shiver. The book cover was white with blue branches going around it. The tile was black but in this cool scary, mystery font. For the dot for i, it was a drop of blood. When I read the first chapter, it dragged me in and it made me want to keep on going until I was finished with the book.

System for Choosing Books :)

System for Choosing Books
I chose books in a variety of ways. I ask friends if they read they book and what they think of it, I read the back of the book, I skim inside the pages of the book, I look at the cover, and I look for reviews of the book online.
Sometimes if I’m in the library, I will look around for books that look interesting. I know you aren’t supposed to judge a book by it’s cover, but when the cover has a picture of a rotting body or has a name like “Human Trash”, I normally would veer away from it. On the other hand, If the book has a picture of two girls back to back smiling or has a name like “Untold Secrets of the Terrible Twins” I might look into it. Providing the book cover or title seem to my interest, I might go as far as looking at the back of the book where it tells a little about the story or puts a quote down. If the back cover has nothing on the back, or short quotes from readers that just say things like “It was Fantastic!!!!!”, I will go on to skim inside of the book. Then, given I like it, my journey ends and I read it!
At this point you may be thinking “What if your not in a library and want something to read?” If I’m in that situation,I first go to the internet and look up books by authors I like, go on a random search through random books, or see if movies I liked are books so I can read the original. When I find titles I like, I may read through reviews or possibly call up a friend.
Calling up friends doesn’t always apply to when I found a title I want to know more about. You can see people everywhere reading a large variety of books. If one of my friends is reading a book that looks good to me, or they are heavily into what they are reading (you can tell this by if you have to say there name more then once to catch their attention, see their expressions change in what they read, see them reading the book any chance they can, or notice they are re-reading their book) I will ask them about their book later when they aren’t reading or busy.
These are some of the ways that I personally find books I enjoy.

Book Inspection

Whenever I’m walking through a bookstore trying to pick out a good book, I don’t really think about how I do so. But I have to have some sort of method for choosing a book. And after I thought about it for awhile, I realized I do.
I’m sorry to say that, I do judge a book by its cover. If it doesn’t catch my eye, then I’m not going to get it. Unless someone recommends it for me. So if the book does catch my eye, I’ll pick it up. I’ll inspect the back cover. Read it. Then I open to book to the first page. Usually I’ll let my eyes wander around the page without letting them actually read it. Then I’ll start to read the first page. If I don’t like they way the book sounds by the first page, I put it back. But, if I like the way the author speaks and uses words. Then I get it.
So when I read the first page, it has to be a specific way of writing. I can’t really explain it. The way the author writes has to be as though their not only writing the story, but actually writing the story for me exclusively to read. I want them to talk to me, not just tell me a story using spice less words. I don’t know about you, but when I’m reading a story where the author uses the same boring words over and over again! I want to just collapse on my book, because I have become so saturated in boredom. So when the writer uses words with some ZING. Or words that jump out at me, and make me think “Wow, thats a really cool word! I think I’m going to start using it!”.
So if the book passes my inspection of it. I usually get it. But, if I start to read it and it gets boring. Then I usually don’t and say I did, meaning I don’t read the book but say that I did. If it doesn’t get boring and I love it, then I’ll definitely recommend it!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The way I choose my books.

The way I choose my books are, By their cover, The teaser on the back the cover, and the Author.

Why I choose the books I read by their cover is because, some covers look boring and when I read the first chapter it is boring. But when the cover is really artful or looks fascinating, I read the first chapter and i’m already lost in the book. That’s one way I choose the books I read.

Why I look at the “teaser” on the back of the book is so I can get to know what the book is about. Like the book i’m reading is called Best Friends. It is about these two girls named Gemma, and Alice. They have been best friends sense they were born, they don’t care what each other like, all they care about is their friendship. But then one day Alice has to move, and there friendship is put to test, they wonder if they will still be best friends even though they are living hundreds of miles away from each other. That is what makes me want to read those kind of books, it makes me wonder what happens.

Why I choose the book by the author is because some authors just don’t seem appealing to me, or my friends. Like for example Stephen King. I just don’t like the title of most of his books. He also doesn’t amuse me. I have seen his house is EXTREMELY creepy. That's one reason I don’t read his books, because me personally just think his books will be creepy. The other reason is me personally I think he is a weird man, that is just my opinion.

Some people have different ways of choosing books, this is mine.

Instincts never lie

Have you ever tried to find the best book for you? Well I have a system for finding books that are interesting to me. This is what I do, you are free to take it, and use it, and modify it.
So the first thing that I do when I am looking for a book is look at the covers. I know right, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but if the cover catches my interest at all I pick it up and read the back or inside cover, where the description is. I also look for familiar titles and authors...because if I like one book by an author I should like another right?
I mostly look at the titles like that have cool and catchy names. If an author has a good title I am inclined to read it. I mostly lean towards fantasy and mystery. I like some suspense and something to bring me into the world of the book. Like this one book the cover caught my eye and I liked the title, and guess what, it was a fantasy/ realistic fiction.
Then if it sounds interesting, or I feel inclined to read, it I do...I am a girl who goes by her instincts…. and her friends. My friend Klaire is like almost the same person as me! True she is a little more harsh and blunt, but we are like clones...that look different and grew up in different enviroments. (but thats not the point) Klaire is one of my book sources, the to-go girl, when i want to know a good book to read.

The Infamous Perfect Book

I know they say never to judge a book by its cover, but the first thing I look at is a books cover and title. Being a serial fantasy fan I almost always find myself looking at the obviously fantasy titles. I mostly look for mysteries types ghost stories are my thing so I sniff them out like a hound. So I will admit covers matter.
The second thing I do once I have found a book with a satisfying cover and title is flip it over and read the back. When I read the back I look at the main character. I like stories with a strong interesting lead. I also like a story with a good mystery. A good supernatural mystery I should say... because I find the real world a snore fest. But the one thing I really look for on the back is interesting wording and a creative story. I like something I’ve never heard before... something new and exciting.
Lastly I read the first page or two to see if I like the narration of the story. My personal favorite for narration are the Percy Jacksons I like the wit and humor Rick Riordan brings. Some stories I just can’t get into because they lack a good narrator. I think the narrator wether on of the characters or not should be just as interesting as the characters.
This is my system for finding that impossible good book. It doesn’t always work, I have enough failed attempts to tell you that, but it does work once in a while. If you want to know a secret though... the best source for a good book is probably my best friend Rady don’t you can steal her though... I’ll find you. My point is though if you really want to find a good book chances are the person sitting next to you has read one... at one point or another.

How I choose my books

There are many ways I choose what book I will read. Often, I find a series that I have read part of, and find the rest of the books in the series (but only if I liked the first book). I will also find an author whose writing style I like, and find a list books that he/she has also written.
Another way that I choose books to read is to go on my computer and look up book lists, like top of the year, or top in a genre (for instance, Top Fantasy books of 2007). Then I choose books who seem to have an interesting plot, or that have been very highly praised by all. Then if I decide to buy this book (say, on Amazon) then there are usually a list of suggestions based on the book I bought.
Sometimes, I also choose books because someone I know said the book was good. For instance; my dad has often introduced me to new series and new authors that he has read and liked before. Most of the books that I read are found this way.


How I Choose My Books

Brian Awalt

I like to chose my own books and not be given books to read. This is some of the ways I do it. One of the ways is I pick a book if it resembles`me. By me I mean it could be intense, funny, adventurous, sporty, or a mystery. My favorite is probably intense plus a mystery. So I take a look at the cover and read the back to see if it is the kind genre like intense/mystery. So if it is that kind of genre I probably would get into it really good and try to predict things. Then it is so intense I never want to drop it. Those are my kind of books.
Another way is if it is in the mood I am in. So I might be in a real adventurous mood and want to read about a book about someone that is lost in the wilderness like when I was in 3rd grade and was in a mood like that. So I got Lost In a Mountain In Maine which turned out to be a very good book. I might be in a sporty mood so I read a good book about sports. Like when I was in 7th grade and read Look Who’s Playing Third Base and that was a good book. So those are some ways I like to chose my books.

New Book? No problem! ✮ Izzy Simbari ✮

Salutations to the parents, teachers, and seekers of reading class strategy! To choose a new book to read, I use spontaneous, differing strategies. I’ll describe a few to push you towards the read you’ll have to be pried from.
One way I look at this year’s reading, where you make the choice of book, is as an opportunity for literary enrichment, and as a way to stretch my bubbly, interest-filled, personal life. You might look at what you’re interested in; for me, being theatre, and seek a plot that follows the topic. It’s generally very easy to find a script or famous production in book form, because the world is swarming with the dramatic genre. The outcome of reading based on books sharing similar interest is I am finding improvement and impact in my recreational, enjoyed life while also handling with the credits in E.L.A class.

While in the library or online, think about something you’ve never done or tried, or may never do. Experiencing through the character’s perspective, their breath-taking events, allows you to grow in your character and YOUR perspective. The theme of the book adds to whether you might change your mind and make a beefy leap out of your comfort zone.
Another is, look on your shelves! I don’t know about you, but in the past, my family has bought my sister and I a fabulous collection of books of varying genres that often, I let slip my mind. Because they might not be the sparkling-covered, ‘it’ reads of the week doesn’t mean they should cease to exist! There could be an engrossing voice dying to rise from those pages, you never will know if it’s a style you’ll enjoy until you take a peek at their synopsis!

~Settling Into a New Book~

Okay, I’ll admit it, I have quite some trouble settling into a new book. First of all because I don’t like reading as much as I know I should. There’s really only one genre that i enjoy and that’s realistic fiction, which is a story that could just possibly happen. Though, if I was to choose I most of the time I do judge a book by it’s cover. I know that sounds bad but it’s what I’m use to. If the cover looks fascinating or “attractive” in a way I make sure to snatch it. For example, the novel I’m reading now is part of the Need Series and I how I picked that was from looking at the cover. It caught my eye when it was on the shelf, and now I am really into it!
Another strategy I use is reading the teaser, which is on the back of the book, or sometimes on the inside of the cover. It explains to the readers what the book is about in a paragraph or so and can really help you think about if it’s a good book for you or not. Usually I can decide whether or not to read it by that. If the description sounds interesting and relateable I most likely will go on and read it.
And one of my big systems is reading the first chapter or few pages. If it seems a little too easy, I probably will drop it. Though if it’s too hard I might accept it because I like the challenge. Finding books can be a problem for some, though once you find ways to and your style it becomes easier with practice.

"The Teaser"

Finding books isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Here’s how I find captivating, interesting books that have meaning to me.
To find a book, I first look at the cover. The title is usually on the cover, and if it’s catchy, it automatically catches my attention. Also, the graphics on the front cover. If they are bright and colorful, they are appealing to the eye and make me want to read them, even if I have no clue what they’re about. The graphics on the front also give you an idea what genre the book is. If there’s a unicorn on the front, I’d assume it’s fantasy, but if it’s of a small child frowning, I’d assume it’s realistic fiction or memoir.
Next, I look to find the book teaser. It’s usually found either on the back or inside cover of the jacket. I’ll read it over, and if it sounds good, I consider reading it. Also by doing this, I get a definite idea of what genre it is. By the teaser, you can usually find reviews of the book and other titles that author is written. If there are bad reviews, I wouldn’t want to waste my time.
The last thing I do is read a couple pages or chapters into it. If the plot and characters are enticing, and the story in it’s whole is captivating to me, I will most likely read it. I find that, in my case, If I really like I book, I sort of grow an attachment to it. I never want to put it down and stop reading, and I feel a sense of loss and sorrow when It’s finished. If a small section of the book hooks me, there’s no way that I’d be able to not read it!
This system usually works for me, and I have read many great titles I’ve grown slightly obsessed with, such as the Twilight series and the House of Night novels. I find them so great, I even re read them!

The Wonders of Reading

The way that I, Jonathan Jackson, choose a book is by looking at the cover. Ever heard of the phrase “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover?” Well, I choose books by looking at the cover. The book i’m currently reading now is the book I chose just by looking at the cover. I thought to myself “This book would be really good.” and I was right. I love to read books when I see what the books look like.

Sometimes, I choose books by the genre. For example, I love reading horror, mystery, and action novels. These are my top three favorite genre’s because they all have suspense involved. Plus they all have action. My favorite books are mostly action. I have a few Alex Rider books at home and I just love to read these action stories.

I also love the plots of stories. In the Alex Rider books, the story would start in a nice peachy area. Then the story will start climbing up to where a little action gets involved. Next, there would be a suspenseful moment that will make you keep on reading. Finally, near the end of the book, a huge battle breaks out and after the fighting, the whole story will get peachy and the story will go back to normal.

I love to read because you’ll never know what will happen. Books are full of wonders.
Judging A Book By It’s Cover
For The Blog,

I choose books in many ways, like looking at the cover or reading the first page of the book. Here is the first way.
Whenever I look for a new book to read I look at the cover. If it looks modern I would be able relate to it. I know you aren’t supposed to o this but if it looks interesting I may consider reading this book. After I do this I read the back to see what it’s about.
Then after all of this I read the first page or chapter. If most of these catch my eye I read it.
One of the books I’ve down this with was the Lightning Thief. And all of these steps helped me pick out the book.

What to choose?

There are billions and trillions of books out there so how do you choose what books to read. Well there are many ways, a few in which I use are the cover, the teaser, the first page, and the title.

Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, well sometimes I feel its alright to. I use the front cover sometimes to help me decide because I feel the cover should tell part of the story as well as the text inside. Covers that catch the eye have cool, bright, modern text and graphics on them.

The title is also a factor when I choose books because I like catchy titles that stick. Some catchy titles i’ve heard about and read are Plain Kate, Abduction, and Cupcake Wars. I’ve continued on with these books and found that the titles usually describe the plot or characters.

I also use the teaser to help me decide. The teaser is the text on the back cover or the inside cover of the book. It gives an overview or summary of the book. If the content is good then I would be willing to give the book a try.

The last step I do is look at the first page. The purpose of reading the first page before picking up a book is to see if there was vocabulary that would confuse me or take my attention away from the content.

There are many ways to choose books and those are the few I use.

Is It Appealing?

Honestly, I choose a book mostly on it’s general cover appeal and sometimes on the teaser at the back or inside cover of the book. If I feel that the teaser or cover just isn’t that interesting, I probably would never read it. A book like The Eye, the Ear, and the Arm is not a book I would choose based on the title, but based on the teaser and cover, it seemed pretty interesting...and it really was. So maybe judging a book by it’s cover is a good way to find new books to read. Maybe for some. Maybe not for others. Other readers may like to look at the teaser instead of even glancing at the cover. Like the book I’m reading now, Alex Rider: Skeleton Key by Anthony Horowitz, which is part of a science/realistic fiction series, the cover isn’t much, but the teaser was really capturing. The book is practically about a teenage, English boy who has been working for British Intelligence, MI6. I really got into the series based on the teasers of previous books.
So next time you want to find a new book, maybe just walk by a shelf of books and look at a book that catches your eye. After you’ve studied the graphics on the book, read the teaser if you’d like. These techniques may help you find books that you may not have thought about reading before. Maybe you’ll find an interesting book that you’ll never be able to put down.
Justin Brown

Green Light to Read

Dear readers of the blog,

The way I choose a book to read is actually kinda simple. First, I take a look at the cover, see if it looks interesting. I know that you aren’t supposed to judge books by their cover, but I don’t judge the book per se, I just look to see if it seems interesting. When I find a book that intrigues me, I read the back/flaps of the jacket to see what the story is about. In my opinion, the teaser of the story is what makes or breaks whether I read that particular book. For example, Dreamcatcher by Stephen King was a really good book, and the teaser basically said that there was something going on at a hunting camp in the woods of Maine. I enjoy fantasy/science fiction books, and when there was signs of aliens in the book, that was a green light to read it.

One other way I choose to read a book is by who the author is. If I know the author and have read some of their books before and enjoyed them, chances are those books will stand out to me. After reading the Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz, I then look to see what other titles were by him, and I found the Gatekeepers by him.

The way of choosing books varies from person to person, but the way I choose is very effective for me. I hope that you found my steps helpful in searching for your next read.

Sincerely, Gordon Thomas
People are always saying “Don’t Judge a book by it’s cover!” but that may be just the right way to find a book you are really interested in! The system in which i choose the books I read is mostly based on the cover. I like the look of books with a catchy title and a picture on the front that looks kind of modern and unique. If the book doesn’t look very interesting at a first glance I probably won’t choose to read it. I usually read the teaser found on the back. The teaser just tells a little bit about the book or a portion of the book that may be an important part. It gives a little background information about the story line of the book without giving too much away. If the storyline sounds interesting, I will give it a try. At the beginning of the year when I was looking for new books to read or a new book series, I immediately wanted to read the Need series by Carrie Jones found in Mrs. Leighton’s library because the cover looked like something I would want to read and it had something captivating about it. This genre is fantasy and I have found that I really like it. I also enjoy reading realistic fiction that has a point of view from people about my age. If a book has these things I would definitely read it.
If people have recommended me a book because they really liked it, I will probably read it too and see if my opinion matches that person’s. Although if I start the book that was recommended and just the first few pages or the first chapter doesn’t intrigue me I wouldn’t continue to read the book. Julia Zavaleta is still reading a book called Modellland by Tyra Banks and she said it’s great so far, I’m thinking about using these techniques after she is done and giving that book a try too!
People are always saying “Don’t Judge a book by it’s cover!” but that may be just the right way to find a book you are really interested in! The system in which i choose the books I read is mostly based on the cover. I like the look of books with a catchy title and a picture on the front that looks kind of modern and unique. If the book doesn’t look very interesting at a first glance I probably won’t choose to read it. I usually read the teaser found on the back. The teaser just tells a little bit about the book or a portion of the book that may be an important part. It gives a little background information about the story line of the book without giving too much away. If the storyline sounds interesting, I will give it a try. At the beginning of the year when I was looking for new books to read or a new book series, I immediately wanted to read the Need series by Carrie Jones found in Mrs. Leighton’s library because the cover looked like something I would want to read and it had something captivating about it. This genre is fantasy and I have found that I really like it. I also enjoy reading realistic fiction that has a point of view from people about my age. If a book has these things I would definitely read it.
If people have recommended me a book because they really liked it, I will probably read it too and see if my opinion matches that person’s. Although if I start the book that was recommended and just the first few pages or the first chapter doesn’t intrigue me I wouldn’t continue to read the book. Julia Zavaleta is still reading a book called Modellland by Tyra Banks and she said it’s great so far, I’m thinking about using these techniques after she is done and giving that book a try too!

Which Book to Choose?

Which Book to Choose?

I choose books with a couple of different ways. The first way I would choose a book, would be to see what cover looks interesting. I know you’re never supposed to choose a book by its cover, but hear me out. If it looks interesting, I read the back. I personally know that I like some types of books and not others. For example, I like to read things about the Holocaust, so when I saw the book Night, I picked it up, and read the back, I knew it was about the Holocaust, so I decided to read it. That’s what I would look for when I read the back of the book.

Another way I choose books is to open up to a random page, or in my case, I usually open up to page 23, because it is my favorite number, and read it. If this page interests me, I will usually read the book. If it doesn't, I will flip to another page. If this page doesn't interest me, I will leave the book. If it does, I read the book. This is not the way I usually choose my books, but its what I use when I have more time, like during class, and after school.

The way I choose most of my books is to look at either the Prologue or the last page of the book. I mostly use the Prologue to read, so I don’t spoil the ending,because thats the best part of course. But there is one more way I choose a book, and thats by asking my friends what they like to read, and if they have read any good books lately, or if they wanted to read a book, that I could read before them and give them feedback.

Finding Your Next Great Book

Dear People if the Blog,

This is how I choose the books that I read. I choose books in a few different ways. The first step I always do when choosing a book is look at the cover and the title. I know that you’re not supposed to judge books by their cover but I believe that to me it feels natural to and I do, but I don’t completely toss a book to the side if I don’t enjoy the cover.
The next step that I usually do to determine if I will read a book is read the back (or inside of the book jacket) of the book to get a jest of what the book is about. Also, I try to figure out what genre the book is. If I liked the book so far I will then turn to a random page and read it. If I know almost all of the words (not all) and it seems to be close to my reading level I might then read the first chapter and see if it interests me enough to want to read it. In the first chapter I could tell the point of view and the setting (sometimes) this usually influences my decision about reading a book.
Also I tend to recognize what my friends and family around me are reading. I like to get recommendations from my friends because my friends and I tend to have similar taste in books. The steps that I have told you about are the ways in which I usually choose my books. I hope this helped you find your next good book.
Jared B.